Shape Your Teeth Into a Brighter Smile

Do your teeth need a tune up?

Your teeth go through a lot, and they may need a little help sometimes. This is especially true in the case of injury and wear. Reshaping a damaged tooth restores it to its former glory and protects it from further damage. Tooth reshaping can also be done to improve the appearance of a smile.

There are many ways to reshape the teeth.

1. Tooth reshaping and contouring for minimal adjustments

If the teeth only need slight modification, the dentist will recommend tooth reshaping. The procedure can only be done on perfectly healthy teeth.

The process goes like this: After the dentist confirms that the teeth are in good health, they mark the part of the tooth that is to be modified. Using a dental file and sanding strips, the tooth is sculpted into the desired shape and/or size.

Reshaping can be used to correct teeth that are overlapping or chipped. Reshaping is also used to file down teeth that are too pointed or too long. Tooth reshaping is an affordable, painless and minimally invasive procedure that makes subtle but aesthetically pleasing changes to the teeth.

2. Bonding takes it a step further

Dental bonding is a tooth-shaping technique where the dentist uses composite resin to correct imperfections like chipped teeth or gaps in the teeth. Bonding is also used to repair small cavities and smooth out rough edges from the teeth.

Here is how bonding is done: The dentist chooses a resin whose color closely matches the patient's teeth. The dentist then cleans the tooth and roughens its surface. To help the bonding adhere to the tooth, conditioning liquid is applied to the tooth's surface.

The bonding is then applied to the tooth and shaped. Ultraviolet light is used to harden the bonding. The hardened bonding is shaped, trimmed and polished to match the teeth.

The whole process takes about half an hour. For the next 48 hours, foods and drinks that can stain the bonding should be avoided.

3. Take it further still with veneers

For those who want a dramatic change, veneers are a good way to go. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are custom made to fit a patient's teeth. They are placed and bonded onto the outer surface of teeth.

Veneers are meant to improve the look of the front teeth and are very effective at doing so.

4. Go all out with dental caps

Also known as dental crowns, dental caps are made to encase the entire tooth. Teeth that require caps are usually damaged, which makes crown replacements both a cosmetic and a restorative treatment.

Dental crowns change the shape and size of the teeth in a big way. For these reasons, crown placement should be done after consultation with a good cosmetic dentist.

There is something for everyone

How you shape your teeth depends on how healthy or damaged they are. A cosmetic dentist will advise you on the best way to reshape your teeth. They will take into account the shape of your face and mouth, as well as the extent of imperfections on your teeth.

Go ahead and start the process of reshaping your teeth by visiting one of our dentists today.

Let's get started …

Go to for more information about shaping your teeth or call Modern Smiles Nampa at (208) 656-6070.

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