What You Should Know About Normal Tooth Wear

Tooth Wear

Normal tooth wear is pretty common. A person can brush and floss regularly, but there will still be tooth wear with time. Although many dental advancements have been made over time, no matter how careful a person is with their teeth, they are still likely to have normal wear and tear.

Knowing all about the normal wear and tear on teeth can help a person take some precautionary measures against the wear, but it is still inevitable to form. It’s important to know what is normal wear and tear versus what might be a sign of infection, decay or erosion.

Today, we will go over what everyone should know about normal tooth wear.

Normal tooth wear

Because the teeth are constantly being used for chewing and biting down on foods, they are prone to be worn down over time. It is next to impossible for a person to avoid this wear because everyone must eat!

Enamel wear

The earliest and most common stage of normal wear on the teeth is just to the surface of the tooth, otherwise known as the enamel. The enamel typically experiences the most wear because it coats the surface of the entire tooth. Because the enamel is not a living part of the tooth, it can handle more wear on it without damaging the entire tooth.

Enamel wear may also be very hard to see because it is minor. It may look as though the enamel is thinning or disappearing which again, is only typically noticed by a dental professional. Another sign of enamel wear would be if there was chipping or cracking on the edges of the tooth, but this would be minimal.


While normal wear of the teeth is actually very minimalistic, a person may notice that their teeth are shifting. Over time, the teeth will move forward slowly. They inch their way towards the front of the mouth and end up crowding each other. The overcrowding and movement of the teeth are both common in people who are elderly.

Normal wear on the teeth is hard to avoid because it is a natural aspect of getting older. However, a few ways that people can attempt to prevent it from happening sooner would be to eliminate chewing on foods that are too hard, take extra care of the teeth each day through brushing and flossing, and to visit with the dentist if any drastic changes are noticed.


It’s important to know what things are normal when it comes to dental health. Teeth are very complex, but just like any other part of the body, they do get worn down over time. Taking care of the teeth will only help benefit them in the long run.

If you still have questions about the normal wear on teeth, then give us a call today. We’re happy to help in any way that we can. Our trained office staff will wait for your call or visit!

Request an appointment here: https://www.nampaidahodentist.com or call Modern Smiles Nampa at (208) 656-6070 for an appointment in our Nampa office.

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