Sports Mouth Guards: 3 Things To Look For

Protective Dental

A sports mouth guard is a protective device for the mouth that is used when participating in sports. This device is worn to ensure that someone's teeth, lips, and gums are protected from injury. Sadly, it can only take one hit when playing a sport to cause issues ranging from chipped teeth to losing a tooth completely. 

The American Dental Association suggests that people invest in a custom-made guard when participating in sports like boxing, basketball, hockey, football, skateboarding, skydiving, soccer, and other various sports that are considered a contact sport. 

Custom mouth guards are created by a dentist using a mold to take the impression and measurements of a persons mouth and teeth. However, there are good options that can be purchased larger retailers and sporting good stores. Looking for a good guard will protect the teeth, and it is essential to research what to look for.

Most important aspects to look for when purchasing a mouth guard 

When someone is preparing to buy a mouth guard, it takes more than merely looking at the fit of the guard. It is important to consider that a correct fitting for the mouth is vital, and this will ensure that it is secured in the event of an injury.  However, other aspects such as the durability of the mouth guard are essential to guarantee that protection is at the best level when wearing it during sports. 

Keeping the guard cleaned and stored correctly is imperative

The first thing to remember after buying a mouth guard is that it is vital for maintaining it in the best shape that it is always cleaned after use and stored in the holder that most mouth guards come with. Doing this will ensure that the guard lasts for many months to come. 

Most mouth guards typically need to be replaced after one year of use, but it can vary depending on how much it is used each month, and the care and cleaning that is completed after each use. Cleaning the mouth guard is vital for the lifetime and durability of the mouth guard to be kept in an optimal place. 

The easiest way to clean a mouth guard is by using a toothbrush and toothpaste or baking soda, which is also recommended by most dentists. Of course, after each use, the guard should be inspected and any cracks or losing shape is a good sign the mouthguard needs to be replaced. 

The mouth guards fit is vital

Having the correct coverage from a mouth guard is the most essential part of keeping your teeth safe. This means that sizing is imperative in knowing that there will not be any slipping or the mouth guard slipping during an impact. 

Typically mouth guards are only worn on the upper teeth. However, for individuals that have braces or another dental device on their lower teeth, it is important that those teeth also have a mouth guard constructed to keep the teeth and dental equipment safe. 

The best rule of thumb to know if a mouth guard fits well if you are not getting a custom-made guard made is not having to bite or clench down the jaw to keep the mouth guard in place. There should never be any shifting or movement which would not protect the teeth fully during an impact. 

When choosing a mouth guard, it is important to check what materials the device is constructed with. Doing some research online to see the specifics and also reviews of previous customers can be beneficial. It is also suggested that you talk to friends, family, or the coach of whatever sport you are participating in to get their opinion on the best brands and materials that a mouth guard can be made with. Checking the durability using online reviews is also a great tip to ensuring you get the best mouth guard for the sport you are playing, and one that will last. 

Knowing the best brands and materials is crucial

Being mindful of the specific requirements for a good, long lasting, and a durable mouth guard is critical. It can be the difference between a guard that does its intended job and protecting teeth, to having a tooth knocked out from the lack of protection. 

When purchasing a mouth guard, if you are still unsure of the best one for your specific needs, contact your dentist. Dentists are always aware of some of the best brands, materials, and requirements that will keep your teeth and mouth safe. 

Feel free to contact our office and our dental staff can help in suggesting good brands and materials of durable and well made mouth guards. Contact us today!

For more information or to schedule an appointment or consultation with us, call (208) 656-6070. Our office is located in Nampa. Call Modern Smiles Nampa today.

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