Understanding Gum Disease

Every human being’s mouth is said to be an astonishing ecosystem. This is simply because, over the course of time, researchers have been able to determine that every person’s oral tissues cohabit with millions of bacterial organisms. However, when the mouth is not adequately taken care of, this symbiosis takes a new turn as gum disease, also known as periodontitis, sets in.

Causes of gum disease

At the initial stage when one knowingly or unknowingly begins to ignore their daily oral hygiene, the gums will gradually but steadily begin to pay the price of this negligence. At that initial stage, gingivitis, which shares the same symptoms as periodontitis, sets in and over time, it progresses to periodontitis when treatment is not initiated right away. This is why it is important to pay immediate attention to any changes that are noticed in the mouth, as this is the key to preventing progression of oral diseases.

There are several factors that contribute to the emergence of gum disease including but not limited to improper oral hygiene and underlying medical conditions. By the time these bacteria begin to grow in the mouth, based on any of these factors, it will begin to adversely affect the bones and tissues below the gumline. That is the onset of gum disease.

As time goes on, and more plaque and bacteria build up, toxins are released and in turn, it prompts the body to react by breaking down the gum tissues and its supporting bones. As the gingival sulcus gets deeper, a periodontal pocket is formed which in turn, traps food debris, plaque, and bacteria. Although the symptoms might remain mild at this stage, a lot of damage must have already been done.

Various forms of gum disease

Gum disease or periodontitis comes in a variety of forms and each one comes with certain factors that contribute to its possible progression. These forms include the following:

Aggressive periodontitis

This type of gum disease is known to affect mostly healthy people but if not detected early enough, it progresses quickly and results in loss of jaw bone and deterioration of the attached gingiva.

Chronic periodontitis

This is rated as the most common form of gum disease and mostly affects adults, even though people of various age brackets can also develop it. The symptoms of this particular gum disease, includes increased gingival recession, bone loss, and inflammation of the gingiva. These take time to progress makes it slightly different from the others.

Disease-related periodontitis

This type of gum disease develops as a result of varied underlying health conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, heart diseases, and others.

Necrotizing Periodontal Disease

This type of gum disease develops as a result of the death of the gum tissues and bones surrounding the teeth. As a result, the sufferer’s mouth is full of lesions. It is mostly developed by people living with HIV/AIDS and other immunodeficiency disorders. Malnutrition can also cause this type of gum disease.


If you or your loved one is suffering from gum disease, it is important that you see a reputable periodontist for proper evaluation and immediate treatment. Maintaining commendable oral hygiene will also help you to heal quicker.

Request an appointment here: https://www.nampaidahodentist.com or call Modern Smiles Nampa at (208) 656-6070 for an appointment in our Nampa office.

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